About Laboratory

National Combustion Laboratory

The National Combustion Laboratory (NCLab) posits in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran, and is directed by Prof. Kiumars Mazaheri Badi and Dr. Mohammad Zabetian Targhi. The NCLab was established in 1991, and began from its start to conduct multiple researches in the area of the burner and furnace technology, and various combustion phenomena. The NCLab is a state-of-the-art research facility dedicated to the combustion field and its application researches in the multiple industries. Furthermore, the Center of Excellence in Novel Combustion systems and the Iranian combustion institute are located in the NCLab.

The NCLab features a vest number of supercomputers and an advanced suite of modern experimental platforms and equipment with the progressive measurement diagnostics instruments. Hence, the NCLab consists of two parts of the numerical simulations for the computational investigations and the experimental testing for the applicable researches. These two parts are used to conduct a variety of research and industrial projects applicating in the various industries and domestic consumptions.

As said, our research efforts over the years have focused on computational investigations of various combustion phenomena and technologies. Some of performed research topics are listed below:

  1. Flameless Combustion
  2. Acoustic in the combustion
  3. Fiber Burners
  4. Porous burners for heating pots
  5. Micro Combustors
  6. Turbine Gases
  7. Multi steps combustion
  8. Working with multi fuels such as Ammonia and liquid fuels

The National Combustion Laboratory (NCLab) aims to have practical projects with various industries in order to improve the development level of the industry and economy of the country associating with boosting its knowledge.